1. 申请人必须符合下列所有条件:
a. 新加坡公民年满 21 岁或以上*;
b. 必须是道南学校毕业生;
c. 心智健全;
d. 未曾因刑事罪名被监禁超过 1 年以上或罚款超过 S$5000。
2. 申请表格上须有两位现有会员作介绍人并签名。
3. 填妥表格,总费$320.00(入会费$20.00,永久会员会费$300.00)。一旦申请批准,则不予退还所有费用。
4. 本理事会有权拒绝任何申请而无须解释任何理由。
5. 本理事会有权随时增订或修改上述任何条件。
6. 同意随时参加校友会的会员大会和活动及母校的召集。
* 请附上有关证件包括报生纸、身份证影印本。
Terms and Conditions:
1. The applicant must meet the following requirements:
a. be at least 21 years of age and a Singapore citizen*;
b. an ethnic Chinese whose ancestry can be traced to Fujian Province;
c. be of sound mind;
d. must not have been sentenced to imprisonment for more than 1 year and/or imposed
a fine exceeding S$5,000 for any criminal offence.
2. The application must be sponsored by 2 existing members of Tao Nan Alumni Association.
3. Completed form must be submitted, total Fee: $320.00 (Entrance Fee $20.00, Membership Fee [Lifetime] $300.00) Alumni Fund.
4. Tao Nan Alumni Association retains the full discretion to reject any application for membership without providing any reason.
5. The conditions for membership may be amended by Tao Nan Alumni Association from time to time.
* Please refer to attached CHECKLIST FOR APPLICANT and furnish all required
supporting document copies and softcopy of your recent passport photo to complete
your application.
49 Marine Crescent, Singapore 449761. Email: tao.nan.sch.alumni@gmail.com